Returned products are treated according to the existing procedures, taking into account the product in question, the specific storage requirements and the time elapsed since the product has been originally delivered. Returns are realised in accordance with the existing laws and with the contractual provisions agreed between the parties.
Medicines that have left Pharmnet Plus warehouse are re-marketed only if the conditions below are followed:
- medicines are kept within their unopened and undamaged secondary package and they are in good condition; not expired and not recalled;
- returned medicines from a customer who does not own a wholesale distribution license or from the drugstores authorised to supply medicinal products must be re-marketed only if they are returned within a reasonable period, for example ten days;
- the customer proves that the products were transported, stored and handled in accordance with their specific storage requirements;
the products were examined and evaluated by a person with a sufficient level of skill and competence, authorized to do so;
Pharmnet Plus owns sufficient evidence demonstrating that the product has been provided to the customer (through the original copies of the delivery documents or through invoice number etc.), batch number for the products bearing the safety marks is known and there is no reason to believe that the product is counterfeit.
Medicines that have to be stored under specific temperature conditions can be re-marketed only if there are documents proving that the products have been stored under the authorised condition during the entire period. In case a deviation has occurred, a risk assessment evaluation will be made in order to prove the integrity of the product.
The evidence must include:
- delivery to the customer
- evaluation of the product
- opening the package for transportation
- reintroduction of the product within the package
- collection and return to the distributor
- return to the refrigerator of the distribution unit
Products re-marketed are placed back into stocks so that the FEFO system (first expired, first out) can function efficiently.