EAEPC – AME Zertifikat

EAEPC, the European Association of Euro-Pharmaceutical Companies.

The European Association of Euro-Pharmaceutical Companies (EAEPC), who becomes Affordable Medicines Europe in 21.01.2020, is a Brussels-based non-profit making organisation, which regroup the European licensed parallel distribution industry, championing the industry’s achievements and the benefits of its products.

Through national associations and individual company membership, it encompasses over 70 firms from 16 countries in the European Economic Area (EEA). All products handled by AME members have national or EU regulatory approval and are exclusively sourced from and sold to EEA countries using authorised trade channels.

One of the goals of AME is to safeguard the free movement of medicines, as laid down in Article 28 EC, and to counteract any attempts to restrict the freedom of choice for the consumer through trading patterns in breach of Articles 81 EC Treaty & 82 EC Treaty. The Association believes that free trade will lead to improvements in health standards through the provision of innovative medicines at lower cost, benefiting statutory healthcare systems, other third-party payers, and the public as both patients and taxpayers, as well as assisting the EU to achieve its objective of a single, internal market.

Aims and Objectives

Its main goal is to study and to promote the member’s business sector and to contribute to the member’s competitiveness by taking specific actions:

  1. Analyzing activities and initiatives in the areas of industry.
  2. Providing members with relevant data and information that inform their decision making.
  3. Offering a platform for member to network, raise knowledge and share expertise.
  4. Carrying out studies and analysis to bring together the industry under specific commitment and joint actions to improve their competitiveness
  5. To promote and co-operate in the development of parallel trade as a means of completing the EU internal market, providing innovative medicines to all Europeans at affordable prices.
  6. To co-operate with other associations that have similar or inter-related interests.
  7. To ensure the acceptance of the Added Value provided by parallel trade
  8. To promote the application of the EAEPC Guidelines on Good Parallel Distribution Practices
  9. Monitoring policy initiatives at EU and international level, relevant for the industry, contributing with technical information, representing the industry vis-à-vis third parties and assisting in implementing legislation.

Through AME, the industry increases its visibility and acts on emerging issues, making expert and constructive contributions on behalf of the industry. Its collective expertise provide a unique source of information both for and on the industry, coordinating essential exchanges of experiences and knowledge among its members, the ability to provide technical assistance to legislators and to identify independent expert on specific issues.

(read more about AME)